miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

Telling the Time

The White Rabbit is a character from Alice in Wonderland. He always tries to beat the clock, and his famous words are “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date! No time to say, Hello, Good-bye, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!”.
El conejo blanco es un personaje de Alicia en el país de las maravillas. Siempre intenta ganar tiempo, y dice: “llego, llego tarde, a una cita importante. No tengo tiempo de decir hola. Adiós, llego tarde, llego tarde.”
In English, we ask What’s the time ? or What time is it? and we answer following this drawing. It’s…
You can tell the time following this picture (complete this exercise) or simply using ordinal numbers as in this exercise
Practise telling the time with the exercises in this book.
Now listen and pick the right time: listening 0, listening 1, listening 2.
Now watch this video and write the times they tell:

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011


Just a few more links to revise the shopping and places in town vocabulary
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Just the first 2 exercises Exercise 5
Have a look at some of the most famous British shops in the world by clicking here:
Harrods Marks and Spencer
Here there are some funny images of shopping bags. Enjoy!

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011

There is/There are

A bit of grammar to practise There is/ There are =Hay
Quiz 1 quiz 2 quiz 3
and the shops vocabulary
Just click on the book and practise, only until page 14

Have fun!

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

Pronunciation: cat /æ/, up /ʌ/, car /a:/


In Spanish, we only have one a sound . English has three different sounds. Let’s study them:
En español, sólo tenemos una letra para la a. el inglés tiene tres sonidos diferentes. Vamos a estudiarlos:
/æ/ as in cat is a new difficult sound for Spanish students. Make you lips as if you want to pronounce a but say e. Watch this video to copy the position of your mouth:/æ/video
El sonido /æ/ como en cat es un sonido nuevo difícil para los estudiantes españoles. Tienes que colocar tus labios como si fueras a decir una a, pero pronunciar e. Mira este video para copiar la posición y el sonido:/æ/video
It’s also very difficult to distinguish it from the other two sounds /a:/ as in car and /ʌ/ as in up. Watch these videos to check how we pronounce them: /a:/ video, /ʌ/ video
Es muy difícil además distinguir entre la /æ/ de cat, la /a:/ de car y la /ʌ/ de up. Mira estos videos para recordar cómo se pronunciaban la /a:/ de car y la /ʌ/ de up : /a:/ video, /ʌ/ video

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Pronunciation: clock/o/ – horse /o:/


horse /ho:rs/ clock / klok/ phone /fəʊn/
Check exercise 1 to distinguish how to pronounce words with the sounds /o/, as in clock and /o:/, as in horse and exercise 2 to distinguish among the sounds /o/, as in clock, /o:/, as in horse and /әu/, as in phone.

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011


This is a typical rainbow.
It’s made of different colours: these are the names of the colours in English.
Black White Red Yellow Blue Green Orange Purple Brown Grey Pink
Colours, like all adjectives, don’t take plurals or gender (feminine or masculine). See these examples:
Union JackThe Union Jack is red, white and blue.
German FlagThe German flag is black, red and yellow.
penguinpenguinPenguins are black and white.
aubergineaubergineAubergines are purple.
lettuceLettuce is green.
lemonlemonLemons are yellow.
orangeorangeOranges are orange!
There are different shades of colours, so you can say dark or light to specify.
Now check you know your colours here and now try here.
All adjectives, and also colours, go before the noun they modify. Example:
My car is a blue Fiat. My car is a red Ferrari. I have a pink house.
Complete these sentences with the right colour
Finally, test yourself with this funny song.

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011

Possession 2: possessive ‘s

2) Possessive ‘s – genitivo sajón

When we want to show that something belongs to somebody or something, we usually add ‘s to a singular noun and an apostrophe to a plural noun, for example:
  • the boy’s ball (one boy)
  • the boysball (two or more boys)
Cuando queremos expresar que algo es de alguien, añadimos ‘s al nombre de la persona que lo posee si es singular y sólo si es plural
Check how this structure is formed here.
Comprueba cómo se forma esta estructura aquí
Try this quiz and watch the video to check your answers
Completa este ejercicio y mira al video para comprobar tus respuestas
Exception: when a name ends in s, we usually add ‘s and pronounce /iz/: This is Charles’s chair. But it is possible to just add the apostrophe : Who was Jesus’ father?
Excepción, cuando un nombre termina en plural, normalmente añadimos ´s y pronunciamos /iz/, pero es posible añadir sólo el apóstrofo ‘.
English businesses tend to be named after their owner’s names
Los negocios e inglés suelen llevar el nombre de sus dueños.

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Possession 1: possessive adjectives

We have two possibilities when mentioning who has what:
Hay dos posibilidades para decir que alguien tiene algo:

1) Possessive adjectives - Adjetivos posesivos

There is one possessive adjective for each subject pronoun. Watch out! The possessive adjective to be used depends on who has what not on the number of things this person has. Example: my book = my books
Existe un adjetivo posesivo por persona. Atención, depende del poseedor no del número de cosas que se poseen. En español, mi libro – mis libros

When you have a list of things belonging to the same person, you should only used one possessive adjective.
Cuando tienes una lista de cosas que pertenecen a la misma persona, sólo se usa un adjetivo posesivo.
Example: his brother and sister, my mother and father, our chairs, tables and books.

Possessive adjectives + possessive ‘s exercise